See what they said about HNMUN!


Edward Sutanto (Medicine 2009, Batch 2)

“HNMUN is truly a life changing experience. As onedsc0591 of the oldest MUN in the world, it provides me with unique international exposure, expanding my horizon, learning from the best delegates around the world, and a hand, on experience on what UN actually does are some of its highlights.”

 Dini Hajarrahmah (English Department 2007, Batch 1)

processed_160x160“HNMUN is my first abroad experience being a delegate to represent Undip and my country, Indonesia. For me, HNMUN is a gate that open many many opportunities in my life afterwards. I would say, it’s not about MUN itself,but it’s more about how we could create our confidence, among other powerful nations in the world, building network with others, and experiencing a bit US culture.  HNMUN broadens my perspective and view about the world that makes me become open minded. I could say, HNMUN is an important turning point in my life”

Nelwan Sharfina (Law 2010, Batch 4)

image  “HNMUN gives me experience to have a global negotiation learning atmosphere. HNMUN broadens my soft and hard skill to an international level. Don’t let yourself miss this priceless life opportunity!”

 Imam Wahyu Ramadhan (Law 2009, Batch 2)

index“HNMUN has increased my confidence, network, and negotiation skills. Such a wonderful life changing experience! Three weeks in USA and it will change your life ahead!”

Hestiana Larasati (English Department 2011, Batch 5)

index1“Applying as Undip delegates for HNMUN has magically changed my life as a whole. I prepared myself in one year by joining many national MUNs and disciplined myself to earn the awards. For me, it’s more than worthy because my efforts were finally paid more. But more importantly, I did my best in the conference and utilized the rest of time in USA to relax and expand my networks as well as my view upon the world. USA is truly worth to visit!”

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